News Brief
Demolition Derby
Passengers in a Ford Festiva Trio suffered a scare when a Maloy’s coach crashed into their car.
The accident happened as the coach competed to turn from George St into the one-way Liverpool St.
The accident occurred during peak hour traffic at about 5:30pm last Saturday.
Police confirmed that no one was injured.
Sydney Ferries go Local
The State Government announced last week it would prioritise local industry and jobs in the tender process for the new Sydney Ferries vessels.
Hunter shipbuilders Varley and Forgacs will receive a hefty price advantage over foreign bidders making them strong contenders for the work.
Spokesperson Tim Ayres said the AMWU had been working to convince the State Government of the benefits of the initiative.
The air we breathe
A report by the NSW Auditor-General’s found last week the air quality in Sydney is decreasing.
It states “The number of poor air-quality days increased in 2009-10 to 64 from 47 in 2008‑09 and 23 in 2007‑08 and is attributed to photochemical smog during the summer, dust storms and bushfires.”
Greens MP Cate Faehrmann says the finding should be a wakeup call to the NSW Government to prioritise public transport spending over toll roads.
“While the government continues to delay rail infrastructure and build private toll roads, we aren’t likely to see any improvements in air quality,” she said.
Plibersek launches same sex marriage consultation
Tanya Plibersek, Federal Member for Sydney has launched a community consultation with her local electorate about same sex marriage.
The consultation comes in response to a motion passed by the Federal Parliament on November 18 asking all Members to gauge community attitudes on the issue.
“I am proud of Sydney’s diversity and its strong ties with the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community,” Ms Plibersek said.
“People in our local community are passionate about social justice issues and I look forward to hearing their feedback in the weeks ahead.”
After the consultation closes Ministers will present the results to participants and to the Federal Parliament.
Sydney keeps AIDS cycle going
Sydney cyclists took part in the first Australian Positive Pedalers’ Ride on Tuesday.
The initiative of cyclist and barrister Steven Berveling event took place as part of the city’s actions to raise awareness of the plight of those living with HIV and AIDS.