Uhuru Peak is the second album from Japanese funk-soul sextet Mount Mocha Kilimanjaro and it flawlessly reproduces the great funk acts of the 60s and 70s. Much in the same vein as Sharon Jones and The Dapkings, Mount Mocha Kilimanjaro conjure up the funk spirits of James Brown and Bobby Byrd and from the get-go the album’s opener 乱暴 hurls us into the upcoming funk assault with its wailing horn vamps and airtight rhythm section. Sweet Las Coke is Meters-esque with it’s jigsaw puzzle rhythm arrangement- where all the instrument parts interact in call and response- while the repeated vocal hollers is belted over the top. Super Jock Strut struts along at an ambling pace much in the vein of Maceo Parker while the mellower tune A Woman Changed My Life is more of a romantic soul number seemingly inspired by Curtis Mayfield and the Impressions. Although Uhuru Peak is largely instrumental the sharp musicianship and the sheer soulfulness of the lead soloing means that you’re rarely left wanting that lyrical touch. Instead it’s a foray into funk territory so raw and uncut that once you hear this you’ll be cutting up your living room floor with the sharpest dance moves you can muster.



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