Meet Rochelle Porteous, the new Mayor of Leichhardt

Meet Rochelle Porteous, the new Mayor of Leichhardt

On behalf of council I would like to thank outgoing Mayor and now State Member for Balmain – Cr Jamie Parker. I’d like to thank him for his drive and his commitment to delivering excellent outcomes for this community. This council is the better for Jamie’s hard work and for his intelligent approach to the role of mayor.

I want to congratulate Cr Michele McKenzie on her election as Deputy Mayor.  Michele brings to the role – excellent local knowledge, a strong commitment to stand up for this community and great skills as a community campaigner. I look forward to working with you, Michele.

And I want to thank each of the Leichhardt Councillors. Being a Councillor is a tough gig. The hours are long, the pay – negligible. But the rewards – in terms of delivering good outcomes for our community are – well priceless. It is an honour and a privilege to work with each and every one of you.

Thank you also to the staff of Leichhardt Council. We very much appreciate the dedication you bring to your work, the long hours many of you put in and your skills, your experience and your hard work for our community.

And a thank you as well to the many community representatives and volunteers here tonight. You are very much the backbone of our community and I want to acknowledge the absolutely vital work that you do.

My promise to you is that –  I will be a Mayor for everyone.

Leichhardt Council – as most of you here know is an Open Council. When Nick Origlass had the barrier that divided the public from the council  torn down in 1971 he brought participatory democracy to Leichhardt.

Here we are almost exactly 40 years to that day with an effective Green council majority – a Green Mayor and a Green Deputy Mayor. Committed to freedom of information, committed to the public’s right to speak at Council, to public meetings, to site inspections for Das, to consult with the community and to stand up for our community..

I would say that in the best tradition established by Nick Origlass and later Issy Wyner that  the tradition of grassroot democracy is stronger than ever in Leichhardt Council.

What are my priorities as Mayor?

As Mayor I will be working to ensure that Leichhardt Council delivers on its commitment to become carbon neutral by the end of 2012 and that it enables the community to reduce its carbon footprint. I will deliver on our infrastructure and our services program. I am committed to delivery of the Callan Park Masterplan, the establishment of the Callan Park Trust and in the procurement of the funding needed to enable the plan to be implemented. Our draft budget which will go on exhibition from next Wednesday outlines in detail the extensive upgrade and building program council has moving forward.

But a Council is more than just the built environment and the delivery of the Community and Cultural Plan in this term of council will enable us to strategically align our planning legislation, infrastructure and our projects to get the best community outcomes.

Leichhardt – as our Community and Cultural Plan has shown – is unique. We embrace diversity, we support the arts and we enjoy our sport and recreation. And we are also a community that is  generous in spirit towards others.

Our community believes, in the best tradition of Nick Origlass and Issy Wyner that we are stronger and more resilient because we are not afraid of reaching out and making connections with others.

We want those barriers to stay down.

We are proud of the commitment our council has to social justice, to the environment, to human rights and to looking after each other in our community. Everyone here, whether precinct chair, chamber of commerce president, bushcare volunteer or committee member  personifies the altruistic spirit and the culture that is Leichhardt.

We are a council of enviable traditions.

We are not just bricks and mortar.

We are not just roads and rates.

I look forward to continuing to build this council, this community and all that defines Leichhardt with you.

By Rochelle Porteous

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