Mayor moves money for memorial

Mayor moves money for memorial

Waverley Council has allocated $10,000 in emergency funds to upgrade the War Memorial in Waverley Park by Remembrance Day 2009.

The memorial has sustained considerable damage recently. Repairs will be made to the chipped bayonet, rifle and hat, the gold lettering will be reinstated and the statue will be thoroughly cleaned.

The council will also investigate replacing the chain fence, restoring the surrounding grounds and replacing the lighting as much of it doesn’t work.

Mayor Sally Betts said: “Our war memorial is very important to many in our community, particularly our veterans, and we really need to cherish this significant monument.”

Representatives of the RSL Club will be consulted to ensure the memorial is appropriately restored. The RSL indicated the upgrade would exceed $10,000, but is pleased the council is looking at the repairs. The memorial is used by four local clubs for memorial services.

Much of the damage is wear and tear hastened by vandalism it sustained on November 10, 1998. The state government, then under the premiership of Bob Carr, provided assistance to restore the statue for Remembrance Day.

Erected in 1918, the statue was a gift from Charles Howard Wood. It was unveiled on December 15 by the then Governor-General Sir R Munro-Ferguson to commemorate the soldiers of World War I.

– By Emma James

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