Luke Whitington: Labor candidate for Hunter Ward
I’ve been living in the east since 2003, and I have strong local connections. My mother is from Rose Bay, my grandmother was born in Consett Ave, and we claim relation to Dally M. Not surprisingly we are all Roosters fans! I love sport and the outdoor lifestyle of our area. I am a member of a local surf club and a keen cricketer. I’m also passionate about making the world a fairer and better place. I’m the organiser for the Australian Coalition for Democracy in Burma and the convenor of the Stop the Swiss Grand redevelopment action group. Like most people around my age I have always been taught to care for the environment. Council is at the front line of environmental management and I want to contribute to protecting our natural beauty and our way of life. Above all I believe councillors should be approachable and accountable, so please contact me about any local issues.
Luke Whitington is Principal Advisor to Peter Primrose, President of the NSW Legislative Council. He has a Bachelor of Arts (Cand.) and an Industrial Law Certificate from the University of Sydney.