Review – Lies, Love and Hitler

Review – Lies, Love and Hitler
Image: Photo: Katy Green Loughrey

University professor Dr. Paul Langley believes he may be going mad, attributing this to frequent visions of the late Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Elizabeth Avery Scott’s Lies, Love and Hitler has taken residence at The Old Fitzroy Theatre’s uniquely intimate venue. The space works well with the clever concept weaved by Scott. Lies, Love and Hitler was shortlisted for the Rodney Seaborn Playwright’s Award in 2009, under the title My Own Private Bonhoeffer.

As Langley teaches Bonhoeffer’s life to his students, he finds himself more and more engrossed himself, exclaiming “You don’t learn Bonhoeffer, you experience him”.

It shifts back and forth from World War II Germany to modern day with ease, contrasting Bonhoeffer’s own struggles with Langley’s current ones. Bonhoeffer mentors Langley through his own inner turmoils and the ultimate ethical dilemma faced by a teacher of ethics. (GF)

Until May 3, Old Fitzroy Theatre, 129 Dowling St, Woolloomooloo, $32-21,

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