Letter to the editor

Letter to the editor

Open letter to Marrickville Council

I was very pleased to hear of your Council’s support for the BDS. It is a very long and dangerous battle for the Palestinians and many activists like Anna Baltzer say that a very often asked question in Gaza and the West Bank is “why the silence”. Anything that can be done to make sure these people have a voice is crucial. Unless those like Elton John whose lies and deceit are unmatched in his spurious claims about building bridges are addressed many more will follow his lead, Despite world condemnation for anti apartheid and anti gay rights Elton John has enthusiastically played in Israel, South Africa and at a private party for a very anti gay politician in the US.

South Africa is quite different because there the white masters needed the indigenous to work as miners and make fortunes for the elite, Palestine and Israel are a little different. Quite frankly the Israeli Zionists and probably all the rest of the population do not care less about the Palestinians as far as they are concerned if they all could swim well it would be a superb solution if like lemmings they went tot the sea and left en masse. A huge mistake was made in 1948 and the world has been paying for it ever since. Everybody is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of their lives. and that means *everyone. *However since 1948 and quite selectively one group has been singled out for mass extermination and oppression, it is a very sad event to think those who would benefit had to endure the same treatment themselves for centuries, Keep up the good work. I am sure it is much needed and appreciated.

George Ikners

Bronte 2024

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