Every year Sydney celebrates the writers of this world but somehow overlooks its readers. Even Books are turning the tables in a festival that acknowledges that books do belong in pubs and you dont need to be published to be read. I like books a lot but some mornings I struggle to even open my notebook computer. However, I know that out there beyond my bedroom walls, some people were born to open books as frequently as they bat their eyelids. They’re the unsung heroes the people that writers cant write without so how can we have a festival to celebrate one but not the other? Enter: Le First Ever Readers’ Festival, presented by Even Books! For one weekend, readers will celebrate their lethargy at the Library of Unwritten Books, reclaim Redfern with a roving read-a-thon and soak up the text as its transferred to the silver screen (films selected by Kate Jinx of FBi’s Too Much). You can get involved, be a spectator or take your own book and ignore everyone in the room who is of lesser consequence than it. This is the one opportunity youll get all year to collect a garden full of reading friends and who knows you may even find a book worm or two.

Fri May 21, 7-11pm: The Library of Unwritten Books with performances by Sister Jane, The Prayer Circle, DJ Smokey La Beef and Jack Shit, ClubHouse, Performance Space, 245 Wilson St, Eveleigh
Sat May 22 from 7pm: Read This Screen! hosted by Kate Jinx, CuriousWorks Studio, 402/11 Randle St, Surry Hills
Sun May 23: Reading Reclaims Redfern, meet at 2pm @ the big red letters in Redfern Park,

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