Kevin 11?

Kevin 11?

Yes, Kevin has let us all down a bit. He could have explained the castrated Fielding-y Senate and its utter uselessness a bit better and then maybe we would have all understood that even the best legislation on everything that matters – climate change, federal health (although he snuck that one in at least), tax reform, etc –  isn’t going to go anywhere. Then we would have all been a bit less excited and expected even less.

But this? What the f@%$, Australia? Are you really so stoned from potent mixes of weed brewed by cheap hippies who’ll no longer spring for tobacco that you’ve forgotten who you’re thinking of running to?

Joe Hockey is fat and huggable, a smiling beanbag full of jolly, but also an utter douchebag sidekick whose main criticism of the 2009 Budget is that the government forecast a recession and it didn’t happen. If Rudd had led us into massive job losses and insane interest rates, then it would have been a success?

And when the badly named and poorly marketed Bastard Mining Super Mega Ultra Tax was announced, Hockey addressed the media before he’d had time to be told what to think. He said that Swan had decided to kill his cousin, the Golden Goose, who’d laid the Golden Egg that the Australian economy is built on.

To say that swans and geese are related is to acknowledge evolution, which is to completely go against everything that Tony Abbott and the Coalition stand for. And to think that building anything on eggs is a good idea… well, it’s all a bit Barnaby.

Meanwhile, Tony Abbott felt sufficiently insulated in the City of Churches to tell Adelaide 5th and 6th graders that the planet was hotter when Jesus was alive. Although he didn’t clarify whether it was hotter when Jesus was alive before or after Jesus was dead, it’s pretty clear that Abbott is still one of many politicians happier believing in all-knowing bearded invisible sky people than in well-documented science.

These are the people whose minions own the Senate. There are already enough of them to ensure nothing worthwhile can happen. And we, according to polls and suddenly excited media, want even more of them, because that will somehow mean even more worthwhile things not only don’t happen but become unhappened?

At least when you vote Abbott back in, you’ll be too busy getting crushed by Workchoices II to worry about all the other people and places you’ve buggered.

Vote Green. Or Independent. Not Tampa. Again.

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