Have your say – Sydney’s small businesses talk politics

Have your say – Sydney’s small businesses talk politics

Sue Hanley
De Coco Collectables, Potts Point

Which party has most impressed you during the election campaign’
It’s a bit hard to get excited about any of them. Maybe Meredith Burgmann. Shayne Mallard has done some good things. There is a feeling that Clover will get in’ which is a pity because she doesn’t deserve a second term.
Why doesn’t Lord Mayor Moore deserve a second term’
Because of the loss of the Baron’s building. We haven’t forgiven her for that. I was a Clover Moore supporter for about 18 months. She claims her roles as mayor and MP are complementary, but they’re not. This area desperately needs a full-time mayor.
Which group has the most to offer city businesses’
One of the things that’s typified current council is a total lack of understanding of small business. I don’t think they understand our struggles, particularly in this area.
One thing that really gets up my nose is the obsession with Oxford Street. Oxford Street is a dream compared to William Street.

Nick Brown and Louise Tuckwell
Nick Brown, Darlinghurst

Which party has most impressed you during the election campaign’
Nick: None of them, really. Clover is always visible because she’s Lord Mayor and the local member.
Louise: I’ve received [leaflets] from Labor and the Greens.
What are the defining issues in this election’
Nick: There’s an incredible number of licensed premises in Kings Cross. Frank Sartor has passed legislation to take control of any development application over a certain size. So what’s the point of council’
Louise: Clover’s bike lanes and ‘city of villages’ are nice ideas. But the repairing of Oxford Street has killed those.
Nick: They spent $30 million on the Kings Cross development. I’d rather that money was spent on housing the homeless.
How do you rate Clover Moore’s performance over the past four years’
Nick: I don’t know how she can do two major jobs like that. I don’t understand how she can give enough time to both.

Alfredo Mastrianni
Alfredo’s Tailor & Alterations, Kings Cross

Which party has the most to offer city businesses’
I’ve just come back from overseas so I’m not really sure. I don’t think it really matters which party is in.
How do you rate Lord Mayor Moore’s performance over the past four years’
Yeah she’s ok. I see a lot more street cleaning. I think she’s doing a good job.


Geoff Jarrett
Jarrett home of fine jewellery, CBD

Which party has most impressed you during the election campaign’
I’ll vote for Clover, she’s done a good job from what I can see. I think she’s done well for the economy of the city, and if the city does well so do we.

Is the new premier Nathan Rees is good news for Sydney’
I don’t think he’s had much experience, and I wonder which way we’re going to head. But this fellow’s untried, it’s his first term in government. So it’ll be very interesting to see what happens.

Mischa Simmons
Inner City Clay workers Co-operative, Glebe

How do you rate Lord Mayor Moore’s performance over the past four years’
I think the current council has done alright. Clover seems to be the only one that can balance the city as a living place. The other ones don’t seem to have a narrative or story, or a vision, they’re just politicians. She might not be the best economically, but at least she makes the place a bit more vibrant. She’s someone who’s always been involved in the community, she’s a little bit radical, and I think she’s earned her stripes.

Andy Adams
British Sweets and Treats, Glebe

How do you rate Clover Moore’s performance over the past four years’

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