Grayndler sparks begin to fly

Grayndler sparks begin to fly

The race for votes in the federal seat of Grayndler is heating up, with one candidate claiming foul play.

Cedric Spencer, the Liberal Candidate for Grayndler in the next federal election, has claimed that election signage for his campaign has been taken down from several locations in the electorate.

Dr Spencer said he received a call from a Grayndler constituent informing him that a poster had been “destroyed, spewed on the road and torn”. He said he had received more calls about other signs being taken down.

Dr Spencer said the matter was now in the hands of the police, and has not yet publicly identified any specific names or details of the offenders.

Hall Greenland, the Greens’ candidate for Grayndler, said it was doubtful posters were removed by Grayndler residents.

“I doubt they are removing Cedric’s posters – even if only because the Liberal identification on them is so small as to be virtually invisible,” he said.

A spokesperson for the Federal Member for Grayndler, Anthony Albanese, said that his campaign posters had not yet been erected and the central focus was on implementing the government’s agenda.

“We have had very positive feedback from the community about the Labor Government’s progressive reform agenda, particularly on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and the significant investment the government is making into childcare, schools and education,” the spokesperson said.

Lawyer and university lecturer Dr Cedric Spencer was confirmed as the Liberal candidate for Grayndler in January. He has vowed to stand up for the concerns of local families and businesses.

“When I’m out door-knocking people are stopping me to talk about the added pressures they are feeling, and it’s not just families but businesses,” said Dr Spencer. “Not only now is it the case of empty shops, but people are now genuinely worried about where are headed as a country.”

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