Game Review by Abhi Sharma

Game Review by Abhi Sharma

Spec Ops: The line


Spec Ops is a third person shooter developed by Yager development and Published by 2K Games. The game utilized cover and also has squad based tactics like ordering your team to engage a particular enemy or having them throw flashbangs or frag grenades and also provide medical assistance to down teammates. The game follows the Captain Walker and his team as they are sent to Dubai for reconnaissance, and to search for any survivors and call in for radio extraction but as the game progresses not all is as it seems. As the game progresses the true horrors of war are revealed and this is reflected by your actions and also on how your squad behaves as they start to lose their grip on sanity. The game follows a linear path as it follows from one location to another with small skirmishes with the enemy in-between to keep the pace up, and has several stealth based missions and you are surrounded in a sandstorm and visibility is reduced to shadows in the distance. There are numerous weapons that can be attained from downed combatants and has multiple endings based on the player’s choices. The game was released in North America on Windows, Xbox 360 and PS3 on June 26 2012

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