Dogs’ Day Out

Dogs’ Day Out

Every man and his dog will be at Hawthorne Canal Park in Leichhardt on Sunday, October 4, for the annual Dogs’ Day Out, a popular local community event now into its seventh year.

Up to 1,000 people and their dogs are expected to attend the event, which this year will be hosted by the internationally-renowned dog trainer Steve Austin, who will provide attendees with training tips and obedience advice.

Michael Lloyd-Jones, the owner of Café Bones, a busy dog-friendly café located in Hawthorne Canal Park, said this year’s event has attracted strong interest from dog-loving community.

“It’s definitely an event that’s looked forward to by the community each year,” he said. “We usually get asked from about half way through the year, ‘when’s Dogs’ Day Out on?’. This park is seen as one of the true hubs of dog culture in Sydney.”

Timed to coincide with RSPCA Awareness Week and World Animal Day, Dogs’ Day Out is about more than just having fun with your pet.

“It’s about educating residents about responsible pet ownership as well as enjoyment,” a spokesperson from Leichhardt Council said.

Councilor Rochelle Porteous, who chairs the committee which approved the funding for Dogs’ Day Out, said the event is also about recognising the important work done by the Council’s Rangers.

“Our park rangers do a fantastic job looking after our parks and also guiding people with dogs about what they can and can’t do,” she said.

“It’s about acknowledging that there are many users of our parks, and dog owners are one of those users.”

Council Rangers will be present on the day to provide free dog chipping to Leichhardt residents and discounted dog chipping to others.

Other activities will include Doggy Competitions, with categories including Best Dressed, Cutest Dog and Best Trick. There will also be a wide range of stalls selling all manner of dog-related merchandise, plus food stalls for pets and their owners.

In addition, the Parramatta International Canine Sports Club will be conducting a Flyball demonstration and there will be a display by the Leichhardt Dog Training Club.

Entry to the event is by gold coin donation, with all proceeds going to the RSPCA and the Sydney Dogs and Cats Home.

by Chris Paver

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