Designed to fail
If the recent defunct rail network to Rouse Hill (North West Rail Link and North West Metro) was designed on the back of a cigarette packet then the proposed Rozelle-to-CBD was designed on ‘fag paper.’ The design has been designed to fail.
Personally, I want an improved public transport system for Sydney and greater NSW, but is this latest proposal the correct answer, or is it another ‘please the mob and divert attention’?
The design is to include several significant historical sites – which should and will enrage people so that the proposal will be rejected on grounds that the masses don’t want changing of their heirlooms.
Being a resident of Pyrmont, I am directly outraged by the idea of encroachment of the ‘Village’. Apparently they are going to build two station entrances. One will displace the War Memorial in Union Square and will definitely lose the beauty of the square in its entirety. (Forget about Madame Korners pleasant pink signage – The City News Feb 19). The other will demolish some buildings and displace the small businesses within them.
Has Sussex Street and Town Hall got any brains? Just along from the Square, Star City is about to build a new hotel extension to their complex. Why not incorporate the stations within the new complex? The advantages are numerous:
1. No displacement of the war Memorial and loss of Union Square.
2. I am sure Star City would be keen to investigate it as it would, with the passing trade thus generated, give a great advantage to their new shopping precinct and existing businesses.
3. Direct access from Darling Island businesses (Fairfax building) who would have great need for such a service.
Of course Town Hall will claim they have had no input, which would confirm this plan is a furphy – Where is the consultation?
If Town Hall has been involved, shame on them for allowing so many historic icons to be sacrificed, especially as they give small property owners such a hard time over trivial so called historic matters. Or is this again our Lord Mayor/State MP giving favours to the ALP and giving the people of Sydney no discussion?
There needs to be a system but let us have true discussion and public debate and then let’s do it.
D L Evans, Pyrmont