You will be welcomed by didgeridoo, served Vegan Morroccan food, take part in a circle dance, and witness an inspirational doco, all in an architecturally impressive church. You couldn’t get a better line-up for mind, body and soul if you tried. My Heart Space events creator Stephanie Cranford (along with Radiance Dance Michelle Mahrer) tells us more.

What inspired this event melding documentary, dance and ritual? The event is centred around the screening of the award winning documentary Dances of Ecstasy made by Australian filmmakers Michelle Mahrer and Nicole Ma which explores how different cultures around the world connect with a spiritual dimension through dance and rhythm. The film inspires people to dance so the event gives an opportunity for people to experience what they have just seen on the film. Dance, rhythm and music are universal, and transcend boundaries of gender, race, politics. Dance, rhythm, and music awaken our soul. We were all born to dance to follow the beat. It’s a natural human experience that many people in modern culture have lost touch with. This event will inspire everyone to get up and dance and reconnect with our roots.

What would you say to the non-dancers out there? You can sit in the space and still be part of the ritual and enjoy the live music. I would say turn up and take a journey with us and let your body guide you … you may be surprised…

Tell us about what you are raising funds for… The event is raising funds for the Bushmen of the Kalahari fund through Survival International, an organisation that helps the plight of traditional peoples.

And why do you think dance can connect communities? Benzion Weiss from ‘Dances of Universal Peace’, will be leading us through two circle dances and we decided to include this into our event as it is a joyful way to remind us that we are all one humanity. Throughout history dance has always been a way for communities to come together, to celebrate, and to heal.

Jul 2, 7pm, Paddington Uniting Church, 395 Oxford St, $25-30,


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