Crooked Saint is Melbournian Tim Wheatley. Last name sound familiar? It should, Tim is the son of Glenn Wheatley, whose is both famous (for work with The Masters Apprentices, John Farnham and the Little River Band) and infamous (for your run-of-the-mill, true blue Aussie tax fraud). Chip off the old block? You’ll have to pop along to the Low Bar to hear his debut EP to find out …
Tim, which bits of your music would you say were saintly, which bits crooked? I suppose the honesty of the lyrics would be considered saintly, yet the mistakes I’m honest about are somewhat crooked…
How did your upbringing influence you as a musician? It’s the book I refer to… My upbringing is what I cast my mind back to when I’m trying to piece songs together. Good days, bad days and all the lessons learned.
What is meant by Every Angry Inch? I wrote ‘Every Angry Inch’ about someone whom I consider ‘angry to the core’… If you knew the man you would know exactly what I mean. His very essence is diabolical…
What can Sydney audiences expect from your live show? My mum will be there… so I’ll be watching my language.
Aug 11, Low Bar, 302 Crown St, Darlinghurst, facebook.com/crookedsaint