Council jug-gles water use

Council jug-gles water use


Only weeks after Ashfield, Manly, Auburn and Blacktown councils banned plastic water bottles from internal meetings, the City of Sydney is now the latest recruit in joining them in becoming green.
The council’s employees will no longer be provided with bottled water, following a recent decision by councillors to use jugs of water.
According to a City of Sydney spokesperson, bottled water is also being phased out at community meetings and events wherever possible.
The City is one of many who have followed San Fransisco in banning plastic bottles after Planet Ark co-founder and environmental campaigner Jon Dee wrote to every Australian council urging them to do so.
In addition to this, the Council has taken on advice of Tony Gentile, from the Australian Bottled Water Institute, in providing other alternatives.
‘Currently there are 169 drinking fountains across the Local Government Area. The City owns 116 and other authories’ have responsibility for the remaining 53,’ a spokesperson said.
In an effort to be more environmentally friendly, the City has also included two horse water throughs and 10 dedicated dog drinking fountains which are regularly checked.
The move follows last year’s decision by the NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change to stop providing bottled water at its 120 offices and brief to staff to use reusable containers rather than buying fresh bottles of water.


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