Best Training Restaurant – The Apprentice

Best Training Restaurant – The Apprentice

At The Apprentice, hospitality students from Sydney TAFE can get real world experience without real world getting fired. This training restaurant allows students to test recipes, get the feel of a genuine commercial kitchen in action and learn how to deal with time and quality pressures while maintaining composure. Customers can book for lunch or dinner on any day of the week, but the time slots and menus are fixed, as is the very reasonable price. Every role in the restaurant is performed by a student: waiters, chefs, maitre D. Teachers supervise to ensure quality control and also because this forms part of the students’ assessments  – customers are asked to provide feedback on the food and service. As for the food, there’s no need to worry about imploded souffles or charcoaled steak; the standard is very high and the menu reflects knowledge, creativity and expertise. After graduation, many of the students go on to work for the finest restaurants in the country and overseas.


731/695 Harris St, Ultimo. 9217 5527.


By Rita Bratovich

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