Ben Buckler locals battle big developments

Ben Buckler locals battle big developments

The Ben Buckler foreshore is under siege from big developments. Battle lines are drawn on Ramsgate Avenue as concerned locals fight to stop big developments from forever altering Bondi’s iconic foreshore.

Two properties have been earmarked for development, 105 and 158-160 Ramsgate Avenue, and both developments are facing considerable opposition from local residents.

The View reported in July on the defeat of a development application (DA) for 105 Ramsgate Avenue which was before Waverley Council. The applicant then appealed and took the DA to the Land and Environment Court (LEC).

The court received submissions from Waverley Council and the developer last week; Commissioner Brown of the LEC reserved his judgement and is now deliberating. A verdict is expected within the next two months.

The development calls for the demolition of the existing building, excavation of the sandstone bedrock beneath and construction of part three storey, part six storey, residential flats made up of three units, four car spaces and two swimming pools.

Local resident and objector Eva Prochazka has opposed the development since it first came before the council.

“The fate of future coastal developments along Ben Buckler now rests in the hands of the LEC Commissioner Brown,” she said.

“If the proposed development at 105 Ramsgate Avenue is passed it will set a precedent for other developers and will have a catastrophic effect on Ben Buckler and Bondi Bay. Residents and the local community have been fighting the development at 105 Ramsgate Ave for nearly two years.”

The DA for 158-160 Ramsgate Avenue has many parallels with 105 Ramsgate and has also been stirring up locals.

There are common concerns across both developments, including: a reduction in dwellings; loss of iconic views; precedents being set for large scale redevelopment of the foreshore; and the noise and potential damage to the natural environment and surrounding properties from construction.

Angela Burrill is a North Bondi local who heads the social networking “Ben Buckler Protection Group”, which tries to inform and organise locals who object to the developments. Ms Burrill has been heading up the community consultation process for the DA for 158-160 Ramsgate Ave.

The development originally called for the demolition of buildings and construction of a part three-storey, part four-storey residential apartment building containing six units, basement parking and strata subdivision. The DA was amended and the fourth floor was deleted along with a reduction to parking spaces and other variations, lowering the cost of the development.

Ms Burrill acknowledged the significance of the amendments but said they did not go far enough.

“If this DA is approved it will set a precedent on Ben Buckler for developers to buy multiple buildings and build large apartment blocks at the height that this development will set all along the high side of Ramsgate,” she said.

“Ultimately this will change the urban landscape for which Ben Buckler is famous around the world.”

– By Liam Kinkead

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