Balmain skaters pipe-dream to become a reality

Balmain skaters pipe-dream to become a reality
Image: “Skateparks are good for kids; it gives them something to do, and even if you don’t have friends in the area, you will meet people when you go there.”

Balmain’s skaters and BMXers are fed up with having no where to ollie, grind or kickflip– and they are doing something about it.

At last week’s Leichhardt Council meeting, 20 teenagers stood up in the town hall and told the councillors why they need a skatepark in their suburb.

Fifteen year old Rohan D’Cruz, who led the charge, has in his recent time as an activist already become media savvy.

“Skateparks are good for kids; it gives them something to do, and even if you don’t have friends in the area, you will meet people when you go there,” Rohan said.

He set up a facebook petition at the start of the last Easter holidays because was over having to trek to Five Dock every time he wanted to practise his BMX skills.

“Normally I’m the kid that just waits for someone else to do something, but this time I got off my butt and did it,” Rohan said.

“It was really hot and I was tired of riding 20 minutes to get to the skate park.”

“People just are lazy but by by the time you do it you feel really proud of yourself –  it feels really good when it gets done, and you get respect from others for doing it.”

Already his group has more than supporters and he has got the local BMX shops on board.

Leichhardt Council voted in favour of a motion to investigate the scope for a skatepark in Balmain with Gladstone Park being hot on the list at this stage.

Senior Recreation Planner Aaron Callaghan has suggested Callan Park as a possible site and is calling for submissions at

The council will report back on its findings in September and look for getting funding for the project for early in 2011.

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