Balance comes to Bondi

Balance comes to Bondi

When Nikki Arthur, mother of two and yoga and fitness instructor, moved from her tranquil NZ home to hectic Sydney, she needed to draw on all her meditative and holistic knowledge to regain balance and relaxation in her life.

Now Nikki is running workshops to help others reprogram their lifestyles with her philosophy that that anyone can be motivated, inspired and challenged to make positive, sustainable changes in their life. They just usually need a hand to get started.

Nikki’s decided beautiful Bondi beach would be the perfect backdrop for her classes, Live in Balance.

“People are becoming more holistic and looking at different ways of relaxing mind and body,” says Nikki. “It’s just a matter of connecting with your inner-voice and bringing more consciousness into life.”

The workshop begins with 5 minutes of Tai Chi followed by 15 minutes of light yoga before going into time management, goal setting, healthy nutrition and positive self talk workshopping to turn challenging experiences into positive growth.

The goal setting part of the program has been well received, with customers describing it as “empowering, motivating and inspiring”. Nikki’s advice on healthy nutrition is focused on preservation of the body rather than weight loss.

The class ends with a 10-minute meditation. Nikki’s very popular meditation CDs, including the 15-minute ‘quick fix’, and the half hour meditations, are available at her classes, with the half hour children’s CD extremely popular with clients.

Live in Balance will be held at the Bondi Pavilion at 10:45 on October 10. Your first lesson of life balance is to find the time for it.

Book on 0404 755 271 or visit

– By Tom Edwards

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