Bailey’s face new safety concerns

Bailey’s face new safety concerns

With the fuel tanks at the Bailey’s Marine site in White Bay nearing completion, a new controversy has erupted over the company’s presence, with questions raised over the safety of a local traffic intersection set to be used by the company’s fuel trucks.

Account Manager East for Bailey’s, Peter Forde, has written to Leichhardt Council on three occasions requesting action on what he describes as a “dangerous traffic situation” at the intersection of Roberts Street and Buchanan Street, Balmain.

“As an operator of a business that will have heavy traffic using Roberts Street I have a duty of care to ensure the safety of personnel involved in this project[,] and you as the local authority have a duty of care to act if a issue of safety is raised with you,” he states in the email.

Mr Forde says a lack of line markings and signage, as well as vehicles parked in the intersection, make it “almost impossible” to see traffic exiting the Port area via Roberts Street.

But independent councillor John Stamolis seized upon the admission to declare Bailey’s had not been forthcoming about pre-existing risks.

“The Roberts-Buchanan Street intersection is heavily used by local traffic, particularly by people living in the White Bay residential developments,” he said. “Bailey’s have now admitted that there is a real danger to traffic at this intersection. An accident with one of the many fuel trucks that would be servicing the Baileys development would be a disaster in this area. Why weren’t Bailey’s upfront about this traffic danger during the application process?”

Cr Stamolis said the suggestion that Leichhardt ratepayers bear the cost of road modifications to support a development deemed inappropriate for White Bay was “audacious”, and that any loss of parking as a result would not be supported by the local community.

When the Independent contacted him by phone requesting a response, Mr Forde hung up without answering any questions. Further calls and an emailed inquiry to Mr Forde and Bailey’s Managing Director Scott Bailey were not returned.

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