Audio Drugs: Placebo or Techno Miracle!?

Audio Drugs: Placebo or Techno Miracle!?

A new drug craze has hit Sydney’s streets, but you won’t find these uppers, downers, screamers and laughers being peddled out on street corners. No, you’ll find them online; in iTunes, or for those more daring on BitTorrent.

 iDosing, or “audio tripping” is the use of specially designed mp3 files that, with the help of hypnotic binaural beats, cause your brain to experience effects similar to those of many street drugs – from acid to ecstasy.

 All completely legal of course, and cheap too – depending on what your poison is.

 The marijuana track cost a meagre $4.25USD, as is the case with traditional gateway drugs, but the harder hitting “Gates of Hades” and “Hand of God” will set you back a cool $200USD.

 According to the website, the audio drugs are not addictive – and according to forum discussions not very effective in some circumstances.

 While some claim to have experienced highs and body sensations close felt on the real thing, others claim to have only received headaches and disappointment after sampling the tunes.

 Well, here at City Hub we care about our readership, so we’re gonna take the first hit.


First things first; this track is a whopping 45 minutes, so be prepared to sit that out before hitting play. By half way the only thing I was experiencing was boredom, followed by a deep state of relaxation – though that could have more to do with lying still for that long. Overall an interesting meditation experience, I did feel a little buzz kick in at the beginning, but it was more likely audio placebo than an audio trip.

 LSD Quick Hit

Not wanting to repeat the boredom of the previous experiment I opted for the “Quick Hit” option, a more recent iDose that can be experienced over a shorter period of time than the traditional versions. In short, I felt nothing.


Rather than mimicking a narcotic, the Orgasm iDose claims to simulate the feelings of c-u-m-m-i-n-g. Funnily enough, it is the most popular dose sold in the online store, and hands down, the most effective of the trio. Though it didn’t result in any stained sheets, the track built up to a notable mental sexual release – still nowhere near as the real thing!

 Hocus Pokus, or technological breakthrough? iDosing has as many critics, as it does supporters, and as word spreads it will only grow in popularity.

Look to your left, now look to your right. Someone may be iTripping right in front of you!

By Kieran Adair

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