1979 saw the advent of many great things; Kris from Kris Kross was born, the Happy Meal graced McDonalds around the world, the Eastern Suburbs railway provided a mainline to the beach and the first dulcet tones of 2SER-FM filtered through hungry radios all over Sydney. Having won an Educational broadcast licence 2SER was in business, offering a diverse blend of politics, music and, fittingly, educational content. This year sees 2SER turn 30 and throw a plethora of parties to celebrate this fact. The parties, which feature a dazzling array of musicians from home and abroad, reflect the breadth of the station’s broadcasting and testify to 2SER’s long-standing commitment to exposing new, diverse, ignored and just plain bizarre music. The station, which predominantly relies on volunteers and sponsorships, is one of Australia’s oldest community stations and long-standing volunteer Anthony says is, “largely unapologetic of playing material that won’t please everyone”, meaning you’re sure to hear something a little bit different. “In my case I’ve cracked 40 and to me it’s important I don’t shrivel up and just listen to hits and memory stations.” Anthony describes the station as, “resolutely old school” when it comes to programming, still using CDs and records (rather than computers). “It means what we do is spontaneous and is backed up by a bunch of presenters that are passionate about what they do.” 2SER is a community station in the true sense. Anthony describes putting off getting involved due to lack of experience. “When I finally contacted 2SER I found that not only was I welcome to join up but helped along by a friendly bunch of volunteers and staff.” Helping him avoid what he terms a, “legion of cultural zombies”, 2SER has also helped Anthony along his path to becoming the station’s program manager. You can get involved in 2SER in a way that suits you – from becoming a supporter in the upcoming Radiothon to volunteering to just plain listening. So in the wise words of Dr Timothy Leary, turn on, tune in, drop out with 2SER 107.3FM and give the cultural zombies the flick.

2ser turns 30 parties running all of October, prices vary, see 2ser.com/30 for more info

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